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Winter Garden, in February
Soft pastel on paper.
10" x 8".
Please use the contact form to enquire about this painting.
Alliums and Wisteria, in May
8" x 8".
White Washing Day, in May
April Showers
8" x 6".
On the Slopes
5" x 5".
Little Wren
Bow Lake, Canadian Rockies
8" x 11"
Low Tide. Poole Harbour, Bournemouth
8.5" x 11".
Old Harry Rocks, Dorset
Bluebell Woods, Micheldever
11" x 11".
Walking the Strandline
Available for purchase as greeting cards
Sails on the Horizon
28" x 22".
Cat Comfort
Charcoal and acrylic ink on paper.
33" x 23.5".
Flight of the Robin
Soft pastel and charcoal on paper.
21" x 26".
Kenyan Portrait 1
Soft pastel, charcoal and chalk on paper.
Kenyan Portrait 2
Islands and Inlets. Tofino, BC
Charcoal on paper.
23.5" x 33".
Please use the contact form to enquire about this drawing.
In the Back of the Garden, sketch
16.5" x 23".